Saturday, July 21, 2018

High Jump

Last Saturday I went out to eat with a few high school friends. During the dinner visit, one of them mentioned something called the "Get Out Pass" and how it's been a really fun thing for their family to use. I looked into it and bought it for our family a few days ago. Tonight, Corey was the first one to put it to the test. He took the kids out to High Jump in West Jordan. From these pictures it looks like the kids had a good time.
Looks like little Lily took down Abi! Pretty good Lil!
Oh, Abi got her back.
It looks like a fun game.
And of course they had the bouce slides - Sophi ready to go down.
Cliff Jump - Jump Lily!
Go Sophi!
So I don't really know what happened or what they did, since it was Corey that took them, but there's pictures for history's sake. Owen was present as well. It usually takes him a while to warm up, I hope he had fun.
And we'll finish off with a few pictures I took of Daniel from this morning - he was being cute puckering up his lips -
Practicing to get just the right amout of pucker
That's pretty good, little D!
But don't smile, if you smile the pucker doesn't work
Cute little boy.

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