Friday, July 20, 2018

Late Birthday Dates

So, Owen's birthday is coming up. As we were talking about it last week, we realized we'd kinda fumbled on our new tradition of a date with mom and dad during the kids' birthday week. Joseph got his in January, Ethan's birthday date was kinda lame but he was happy (he was tired and didn't want to wait for Corey to come home from work. so whatever) and then... the months go by without any kid birthdays and I kinda forgot it. June - Lily's and Wesley's came and went, then Natalie's... and then I remembered. SO - we have a few birthday dinner dates to catch up on. Today we took Natalie out to lunch, followed by taking Lily to dinner.

Natalie had me get her all dolled up as Elsa for the occasion - a neighbor just gave this to her yesterday - a dress, hat with hair, and shoes to match. Like all toddlers, Natalie's been in love with Elsa for years. Little one year old Natalie loved to sing Let it Go, and as a 5 year old, she's still got it. She had me play Let it Go over the car stereo when we picked up Corey. He got a video, she's cute.

So where do you want to go, Nataloo? She said we could go anywhere. We finally decided on Blue Lemon cause I thought they would have acceptable "kid" food for her and cause I wanted a good salad. Walking in - Natalie's wearing a cap with long blonde Elsa hair attached to it - (I tried to put her short hair in a pony tail without much success.)
We ordered. Natalie got a few compliments from nice parents and grandmas about how lovely she looked. Natalie chose to eat over at a high table. She nibbled on her butterfly cookie while we wait for the meal.
Corey asked her if he could have a bite...
"No..." Then with a "how bout this idea" epiphany voice said "Go get your own!" I tried to get her to think for a second about who, possibly, was the person that paid for her cookie... but she didn't put it together. Cute clueless kids.
Corey brought back waters for us and a yellow drink for Natalie. It was too "spicy" though.
Putting her hat aside for a moment - it kept falling off and preventing her attempts to eat her treat.
Corey went back and got her a pink lemonade.
Her meal arrives - chicken fingers and apples with toffee dip.
I got a yummy Mediterranean salad with hummus and pita bread with a bit of shrimp (I let shrimp slide in now and then, I'm a flexitarian, new word I learned - no beef or dairy, very rare chicken and eggs, sometime seafood). The salad was very good, it hit the spot. Corey got shrimp alfredo. And I think our little Elsa had fun! Time to take dad back to work.
After dropping off Corey, as we drove home, Natalie asked where her ice cream was. "We just ate! You had a cookie! You were too full to finish your chicken! Now you want ice cream?!? What, do you think it's your birthday or something?!" I guess it kinda is. So I went by Dairy Queen and got her an Oreo shake, cause she's the birthday girl.
Here are few pictures of our birthday date with Lily -
We headed to the mall. California Pizza Kitchen was the winner over the Cheesecake Factory cause they didn't have a 90 min wait. We waited for a little bit at the Pizza Kitchen but it wasn't bad. Just enough time to take a few selfies.
They brought Lily a kid menu, which had some suggestions of games to play while we waited for our food. 
Those came in handy...
I can't remember what all the rules were, but Lily almost wore a napkin on her head until we were served. Lily ordered a pizza.
And a Strawberry shortcake for dessert.
I saw something tempting on the menu - the Shanghai Power Bowl! It looked so pretty, I ordered it and wow, it was so good! I loved it! Two birthday dates I'm officially full. Will try to not eat for a while so I'm ready to take Wes out tomorrow.

UPDATE - 27 JULY 2018
So I was looking through old videos today and found this one from 2015 that I thought was appropriate to share in this post

I'll keep looking, I might find a better one of her singing in Brazil, what a cutie pie. They sure grow up fast

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