Thursday, July 19, 2018


I took Ethan to his lesson with Ray today. As I usually do when I'm killing time waiting for music lessons and classes to be over, I went to Costco. My little boys joined me. I didn't mean to dress them them in similar looking clothes, but realized that I had as we were getting in the car. Navy shirts and red shorts, and esp with their short hair cuts that I gave them yesterday, they made a cute pair.
Daniel giving up on trying to use that for to get his sample, he's going strait to the mouth.
After we got home, I took them to a park.
Yup, you guys look like twinners!
They went down the slide, walked across the bridge, chased birds...
You guys are cute little brothers. 
We went back home and all the girls had returned home from a neighbor's house, and they wanted to go to a park too, so we went out again. Corey joined us. 
It's hard to get a clear shot of all this motion, but we had 6 kids in 6 swings all going at once. 
We've put a solid investment into the first 5 kids, and I think they are on their way to launching into a productive adulthood. Time to turn more of our attention to helping these next 6 get involved with music and stuff. Abi is already taking piano, but we might get her involved with flute or something else. I'd like to get Sophi and Natalie taking dance lessons. Time to start to learn and get involved in the world. They are good kids, I'm glad we have them.

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