Monday, September 3, 2018

Abi is 11!

Today is Abi's Happy Birthday! Everyone's ready to celebrate! Abi was born on a Labor Day Monday, so it was super appropriate. Happy birthday to my labor day baby. To celebrate, we all took the day off from work and school, ha. She was lucky to have siblings around to make her breakfast, although she didn't wait to eat it in bed.
 She did wait in the front room though, for me to come back from the store. I always do a last minute "morning of" errand to buy junk food for some reason. But today I had to buy some presents too. I had gotten her one big thing, but I got a few smaller things to - She opened the bags to see what was inside.
Natalie is ready and willing to let Abi share her chips and treats. And Abi is a sweetheart and did share them with everyone throughout the day. I bought some donut holes for the kids as an early morning birthday treat. Natalie was excited - she called them "chocolate meatballs" which I thought was adorable, already pretty cute that she calls rainbow sprinkles "sprinklers" so we got a double dose of cuteness as she called the doughnut holes "Chocolate meatballs with sprinklers!"

Abi's goodies consisted of chips, oreos and pepperridge farm cookies, some lipsmackers, lip gloss, hoop earrings, and a planner. 
This was the first time she hadn't given a list or request anything in particular, and she said she really liked not knowing what the presents would be, it was a fun surprise! Daniel saying "peez!" for some cheddar chips.
Abi kept her little brothers quite happy and entertained by lighting the candles on her cake ove rand over again several times and we sang "Happy Birthday". They loved it. We did that until the wax had all melted. 
So Abi's big gift was a rockboard scooter. Cause I ain't buying her an electric one. Why would I want to pay extra for a toy that will do all the work? If you're gonna be riding around outside, get some exercise while you're at it. Hence, the rockboard mini scooter. She mostly has been driving it around inside the house on the main floor, but hopefully it will be an outside toy for a while before the snow comes. Natalie saw all the interesting shapes of cardboard that were in the scooters packaging and said "I'm going to make a cell phone!" She didn't get very far, so I cut one for her. Then the girls creative juices got flowing and they were cutting and taping cardboard for the next several hours. They made a castle for Sophi's stuffed unicorns.
I said they could make a mess if they promised to clean it up. They promised, but they didn't clean up. The room is still messy and I think the castle has been forgotten. Will probably be in the recycle bin by Wednesday when the trash all goes out.

The grandparents all came by to celebrate Abi's happy day. My mom did a real labor of love by making a cake for Abi - two cakes actually. Rapunzel's dress is a cake - is the ground that Maximus is standing on.
All the kids were way impressed with my mother's fondant skills.
I told my mom she might have set the bar a little high for herself - now all the girls are going to be wishing for a cake like this.
But Mom said that a special cake like this is an 11th birthday thing that she tries to do - cause that's a double digit birthday, and those don't happen often. 
Opening more presents. 
Abi said it was a good day. We were going to try and go out to eat tonight for her birthday date (since we have two birthdays this week) but none of us were hungry after cake. So we'll have to double up this weekend or split it up again (cause Thurs is Sophi's b-day). Happy 11th Abi!

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