Saturday, October 6, 2018

General Conference and Women's Session

We are enjoying the General Conference of our church this weekend - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's been great - my favorite talk so far was probably Elder Renlund's talk - "Be Not Troubled" - It went along with lots of things that have been my pet topics since giving a talk at Church on trials last month. So this evening, after the first two session/four hours of talks, we girls met up at my parent's house so the Hibbert ladies could take the semi annual trip downtown for Priesthood Session, but of course this is the first time in history that it's not priesthood, it's the Women's session! Yay, Ladies' turn to go downtown together! 
Hyrum asked me "Are you going to the Lion House after?" Yep! "NO!! That's our tradition!" Correction - no, it is not your tradition, it's the Hibbert Grandparent's tradition, and so now Grandma is taking keeping the tradition going by taking her daughters and granddaughters. My dad has gone down town every General Conference for Priesthood session for 45 years! Yes, this is a tradition we must keep. We took a quick picture in front of the Lion House, where Corey and I had our wedding reception in 1999.
Heading in to watch the conference at the Legacy Theater. Love all the flowers around Church headquarters.
Group selfie in the theater.
 Don't love these pictures of me, but oh well.
The Women's Session was pretty awesome. I bet all the sessions were awesome, but this was the only one that I heard all of, seeing as I was able to listen to it without disruptive children around.
(Thanks, Corey, for holding down the fort!)
 And as promised, yes, over to the Lion House Pantry for dinner!
"Thanks Mom!"
So, the take away from day one of General Conference can be summed up from this card that was on the wall at my parent's house -
Ha! Neil and I liked that. I'm ready to get busy! But not just busy - as Holly says - but Productive! I've got a good list of things to do that are important to me, cause at the Women's Session tonight, our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, invited all the sisters to do four things:
1) Do a 10 day Social Media fast
2) Read the Book of Mormon between now and the end of the year
3) Make a Plan for Temple Attendance
4) Participate fully in Relief Society
For #2, I printed up this chart to keep track of my Book of Mormon reading.
I had already been reading the Book of Mormon everyday since I made a new resolve on June 15th. I had started from the last book, Moroni, and was working my way forward. I was almost done with Alma, ready to start Mosiah, when Pres. Nelson gave us the new challenge, so I started over, this time doing it the normal way from the beginning. After I finish I'll pick up in Alma again and finish working my way forward. I am also starting my 10 day social media fast on Monday, which is just cutting out facebook, since I'm not on Instagram or other things. This blog doesn't count at social to me, this is just my family history. :) Excited to hear more tomorrow!

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