Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Yet Another Family Chore Chart

On many a Saturday, I am asked a question that for some reason totally rubs me the wrong way: "Do you have a list of chores for the kids to do?" I'm usually asked that by my sweetheart. And I guess it frustrates me cause I think that he and the kids should all freakin' know by now what tasks and chores need to be done around here to make our home livable. Do I really need to spell it out everyday/every weekend? Ugh. So I'll sometimes make a list, but usually I don't and I just verbally remind or ask them to do their jobs, and surprise surprise, I'm often frustrated that the kids don't do any chores or seem to have done anything to help around here. Hey Tiff, maybe they do need a list. Apparently it isn't clear what expectations are, sigh. I've had chore lists going up the stairs before, and had their chores on clipboards in their room, which worked with the younger half of the kids, the ones who bought into the system. That one left me frustrated with the three older kids, although Joseph would always make his bed. That small attempt at something was enough to fill my cup. Kids, just do something for crying out loud - you know what it is! Bed, Bedroom, Clothes! Can we just start with that? I've always thought it was clear, but I guess the fact that chores are not done and I'm frustrated means that we still haven't found a solution that works. So, today, I found a big posterboard size sheet of construction paper in the basement. On a whim, I wrote out KIDS CHORES and wrote down the chores that I've talked with them about before and that they all know they need to do.
When Corey came home, he saw the huge yellow chore chart on the pantry door. "WELL! I can see that! That's hard to miss! I like it!" It's all just scribbled on there and looks ugly, but I guess that's not a big deal since it is just up for a week anyway? Part of the reason I haven't gone this route was since I am looking for a permanent chore solution/system, I haven't found a good place to permanently hang a white board or whatever in the kitchen area. And I didn't want any ugly stuff on the wall in the kitchen, but a temporary paper on a pantry door... I guess that is a do-able thing. Maybe we'll keep it. I guess this might work. I listed the chores. Then Corey asked for a daily check off under each kid, so I scribbled that on and checked them off when they were done. Now we have a visible paper for weekly accountability ready to be referred to by myself or Corey (without having to ask me how the kids did on their chores) when they start to come on Friday night asking if they can hang out with friends.

Also, I've had a family calendar on the fridge since last October, and another 4 weeks just ended on Sunday. I took of the 4 weeks that were there yesterday and made the next 4 weeks - so now October is almost all gone and Christmas is on the fridge, AND also... that very last Monday square is January 14th!
Which will be when I'm 39 weeks! Which means that might be the day this pregnancy comes to an end, yahoo! Baby day approaching, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel once again. Although it still looks far away, 11 weeks. But we all know how quickly those top 4 weeks of the calendar go by and get checked off, so maybe the baby will be here before we know it, hallelujah.

I had a good day today. The win I'm most excited about - I cleaned the dirty carpets in the study, front room, and on the stairs! Another win is that six of the kids did their chore yesterday (EHWALS) and another five tonight (HWLSN) and the house looks awesome right now. 3rd big win - we've had 3 sit down dinners in a row. On the list: the basement. That place needs work, but little by little, I think things are coming together.

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