Friday, December 7, 2018

Dinner and Santa Claus

The Christmas season is in full swing, with another year at our ward Christmas Party, and another year of sitting on Santa's lap, and another year of Owen being traumatized by Santa, again (see pic 4). And he didn't even go near him this year, just the thought of it made this little boy sad. He still can make the saddest little frowns (old video of his baby frowns, starting at 2:06). First we'll start with Natalie, who sang Santa a song - the one she's learned at school "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause"
Then Sophi had a turn.
And this is Owen's expression showing his disagreement at the mere suggestion that we have him go close to "that man..."
And a video of his vocal protest.

Sorry Owen, you don't have to go see him. And he didn't. He came and sat on my lap instead, my nice familiar lap (well, what is left of it with my preg belly).
The dinner was nice. I ate the broccoli salad I brought (that was vegan) and a few desserts (which were most likely not vegan.) After dinner there was a music program like last year. The Skyline Madrigals sang again (we miss you Joseph!) and then Santa. The kids are getting excited for Christmas. :)

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