Saturday, December 8, 2018

The First Hibbert Wedding

Corey and I went to my niece's wedding tonight. The first grandbaby on my parent's side, and so it's appropriate that she is the first marriage!
It was a small group of family, and mostly just adults were invited to attend (aka we left all our kids at home!) Corey and I got there a little bit late... like we just barely got there at 6, which is what time the ceremony was supposed to start. Luckily it was slightly delayed and so it worked out perfectly. (We were late cause Corey had taken Sophi and Owen skiing at Brighton. Corey said it was a perfect ski day, I'll share those pictures in a blog post later) So, we enjoyed the ceremony and then headed to a different room for dinner and dancing. It was fun cause my three out-of-state siblings came in for the occasion. Two of them were at the dinner table with Corey and I. Moo, Dad, Mom, and Trice...
Beka, Matt, and my beloved.
My sister Jersh, the mother of the bride, was thoughtful and ordered me a vegetarian dish! I was planning on just eating whatever tonight, so that was a nice surprise, especially cause when everyone did receive their entrees, that was a big serving of meat. I thought I'd be able to eat the side and salad and my uneaten meat would go unnoticed, but it would have been very noticeable. But instead I enjoyed a simple dish of rice, quinoa, and string beans. When I saw it, I thought it looked a little too simple, like poor man's food, but it was quite delicious and gave me hope that eating plant based doesn't have to be complicated - it can be an easy dish of grains! Although I might have a hard time selling my kids on that. Anyway, it was a lovely dinner and then we made the Bride and Groom play a game of Him or Her - they took off their shoes and then they each held one of each shoe and held up his shoe or her heels as they were asked questions like "Who of you is most likely to be running late?" It was a cute game and fun to see them kinda timidly hold up shoes while not trying to rat each other out.
After their game, they did the first dance together, then the father with his daughter, and mother with her son the groom. Then we all got to join in and had a fun time dancing for 2 hours! Corey and I watched from the side for a bit, but they were having so much fun we eventually joined in. Had I known it would have been such a dance party, I probably would have skipped exercising this morning! It was really fun, my siblings are great. As the mother of the bride said in a text to our family later "We may not get together that much but when we do we make it count!" Here's my little brother Neil showing how we make it count - just let lose, be goofy, and make some fun memories! A song I'd never heard before - Sandstorm by Darude

And we all really united when a Hibbert classic was played - MJ's Beat it! We did our best to recall the dance moves to it that we all had memorized 20+ years ago

So after 3 hours of dancing and having fun, the party was over, so sad. Before we headed our separate ways, we took a few pictures of the Fantastic Seven (as my mom called us) - I wanted a jazz hands picture, cause we have a family collection of those going on, and they humored me, yay!

 From 2007 - we are so cute!!
And no date on this one, but must be in the mid 80s -
We are a fun group, we had a really fun time together tonight. Shout out to us, we are awesome!
(One of these kids is not like the others... (aka the baby Grant...))
Grant, where did you get your height? He was probably supposed to be born to a different family but we recruited him in last minute.
And a group picture with Mom and Dad.
Then Corey and I headed home, I picked up another niece, Xela, who came down from college in Rexburg to see her mom for the weekend and babysat our kids for us while we were gone. We drove to my parents' house where all my sibs from out of town were crashing for the night before they fly home tomorrow. We watched my baby brother look through his old Star Wars toys to figure out what he could fit in his suitcase to take home to his boys.
It was a great evening, the first of many weddings to come. Congratulations to Kelsey and Jared! See you later Hibbert siblings, until next time!

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