Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Back Home

We are back home. We arrived at 8:40 pm. The kids had been calling us at the hospital from 6:00 on about every 10 minutes asking if we were on our way yet. "No, they're not done doing tests on the baby..." "Ahh!" they'd say as they let out a pained cry. I actually wasn't sure if we'd come today or not. I wanted to, just to start to get going on being in control of my life again, but for practical purposes I thought maybe I'd stay... The baby didn't pass his hearing screening on his right ear so I'd have to schedule an appointment to bring him in on Monday, but if I was still a patient they'd just do it again in the morning. Hmmm. And he would need another bilirubin test too, so if I went home I'd have to bring him back Thursday for that. What to do. I eventually decided to come home cause I was sick of sitting on the bed in that room and would like to walk on the treadmill. Plus I thought the kids might die if I didn't bring their baby brother home asap. So - after consulting with Nicole, who is always able to help me know what I want to do, I decided to come home. Many anxious arms were ready to hold him when we arrived. We teased them and didn't unlock the car right away, they were like mobbing the van to try and get in! It was funny. We got inside the house and had to start setting the timer - 5 minutes each so everyone can get a quick fix, and then we'll do another round for longer...
"My turn! My turn!" "I'm next!"
Natalie's face shows what it looks like when your turn is over... also very similar to what is looks like when you have to wait 5 more minutes for your turn with the new baby.
All these anxious little mothers...
Something funny - on Monday night when they came and saw us at the hospital, after they moved me from Labor and Delivery to the patient room and got me settled, the nurse asked if there was anything else we needed or anything she could do for us. Corey looked at her and said "Do you have more babies?" Ha, she laughed and so did I. Yeah, we need a few more to keep all these big kids happy and their eager arms full! It's good to be home. 

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