Wednesday, January 16, 2019

First Place Flautist

Tonight Melodie was in a Utah Flute Association competition for High School Seniors. Corey went with her. And guess who one first place? (Hint, it's one of these three students)
In case you can't tell by the blog post title, continue reading for Mel's teacher's comment sharing the news -
Isn't that great?! Go Mel! She did a Utah Flute Teachers competition in December that she didn't place in, and she took that pretty hard, so she was trying not to get her hopes up this time. Corey said they announced 3rd first, then 2nd, and he was thinking/praying "Oh please Lord...." just to give her some validation that all her hard work is paying off, so he was thrilled when they announced Melodie as First Place! That is a great thing for her to win right before she comes up on the rest of her college auditions. Her BYU audition is next weekend Jan 26, and then she was invited to audition at the University of Colorado Boulder and is flying out for that next month. She really wants to go to BYU though (after years of their father waving the BYU flag in front of their eyes). Corey had promised her that if she practices 3 hours a day, she will be accepted. She's taking that promise with faith and is dutifully practicing. Good luck Mel, you're almost ready to launch into your future!

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