Monday, January 14, 2019

He's Here!

Hello hello it's January 14th! Today finally came, and hip hip hooray - we've got a new baby boy. Born around 7pm, 7 pounds, 8 ounces. He's a cutie!
Here are the details of the day - I woke up several times during the night and tried to keep resting, but got up for good at 4:38 am after dreaming about a fire starting in our bedroom closet (I think I'll moved the blog books downstairs to the main floor...) So, I was on the treadmill at 4:48 and got in my 3 miles. Did 1.5 miles then paused for a bathroom break, back on and finished 3 miles total at 5:55 am. My weight was really good this pregnancy, I'm about 10 pounds less than I was with Daniel, and I was about 10 lbs less with Daniel than I was with Owen, so go me. If I can really get my weight down and match or beat my 6 week appointment weight after Hyurm was born (144), then this pregnancy and delivery will beat out my in shape self from 15 years ago, which would leave me totally impressing myself. So we'll see!

So when I called the hospital at 7 this morning, they said to call back at 10 (nooooo...). So I layed down for a short nap before getting the girls up for school. I just called back. I called this morning at 7:05, 5 min past 7, so I'm hoping I wasn't too slow and the elective inductions had already filled up. So since I had been 5 min late earlier, I figured it was okay for me to call 5 min early at 9:55 this time. The nice lady said they were still packed with people, but then said "why don't you just plan on coming in at 12:30... we'll make it happen!" Yay, I was happy to say "Ok!" and quickly hang up before she changed her mind and told me something different. So I finished packing a few things and picked up Abi from school around noon to come babysit Owen and Daniel during their naps. Natalie went to a friends house at noon and they took her to the bus and we were on our way - hallelujah!

12:20 - Corey gave me a blessing
12:30 - At Hospital - went to room 209, answered a hundred questions, started pitocin at 1:48. - hooray this is happening! This is my "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S FINALLY CHRISTMAS!!!!!" happy face.
- Corey and I were listening and laughing at Jim Gaffigan's "4 kids" sketch, then kept listening to him, funny stuff - kids, camping, bacon, cake, weddings, McDonalds.
- Broke my water at 3:30, epidural in at 3:45
- I was dilated to a 5 at 6:00, they called Dr. Smith to give him an update. They started to get the room ready.
- At 6:50, I was fully dilated, they called him again. Then I felt different, I'm glad I was able to tell with the epidural, I told the nurse "It feels like his head is right there...." We lifted the blanket and yep, head was out. "Should I push?" I asked my nurse Sue, and I didn't really waited for her reply of "Yeah" and I just pushed as she was saying it, and out our little boy came onto the bed. I got to hold him for the next hour before they weighed him.
7 lbs, 8 oz, 19 inches.
Corey and the kids came at 8:30 when I was still in the labor and delivery room. This is Daniel's "I guess this means I'm not the baby anymore" face...
Yup, buddy, you've been bumped. But we still love you! Of course everyone wanted to hold the baby. They each got a quick turn - I need to get more pics from Corey's phone, but here are the kids I was able to snap photos of from the bed or that Hyrum took with my phone. Natalie -
All these little future mothers are very excited - Lily -
Abi -
Mel - "He's so little!!!!"
We let the boys have turns too, I only got a picture of Wes - 
They moved me over to a nice patient room 225 with my entire entourage with me, new nurse was Kim, she was cute. My legs were still immobile from the epidural, so I got to ride a wheelchair. Daniel was at my feet asking to hold the baby "I hold it? I hold it?" Natalie had my phone and took this picture, I love how it captured his little eager outstretched hands asking for a turn - 
I had Daniel and the new baby on my lap. We got a group picture.
It was a smooth delivery, feeling very blessed. The Lord has been abundant with us. 

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