Thursday, January 17, 2019


Ok, I could die, this little man is SO CUTE.
He was alert this evening and looking around at us all as we squealed at his adorableness.
I can already tell that he's got his father's big beautiful eyes.
His cord fell off this afternoon so I put a onesie on him. This will stay on better than the little hospital shirt since it snaps around his bottom.
But we had to put the socks on his hands so he doesn't scratch that precious face. Here is Natalie holding him this morning before kindergarten.
She's happy to have some time to hold him in the mornings, when everyone else is gone at school and she gets to be the oldest helper at home.
Owen and Daniel have been doing great with him too. They haven't been harassing him at all. They are doing their own thing and like to hold him when they have a chance.
That is Owen above, and speaking of Owen, today was a pivotal day for him, for he has rejected his favorite blanket (the white car one shown in the first picture here) and has moved on to the next car one. Something about the tag must have changed or not felt right, cause I was watching him before he went down for his nap, and he took his favorite blanket, fidgeted with the tag for a moment, looked at it, rubbed it some more, and then threw it on the floor and went to go get another one (blanket #3 of the original 4.... the dot blanket got lost somewhere years ago, now rejected his favorite, so we'll hope this one lasts, cause he's just got this striped one after this.) Ok, back to baby Peter. I took these pictures at 1 am this morning. He was wide awake, and I thought he might be pulling a newborn Daniel 1 a.m. move on me and that this would be the only time I could get some pictures of him alert.
 Oh he's so pretty. We love this little person. (We'll try to figure out a name for you soon!)

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