Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Galaxy Painting

Good news! My goal to finish blogging 2018 by today was accomplished and I put together the blog books. It was a bit of a pain, cause they only let you have 1150 pictures in a book, and I had a total of 2317. At first I thought I was only 12 over, so I went back and deleted a few duplicate pictures, like a few of the pictures of Natalie with the monarch butterfly and some of my plethora of fall color pictures. But then it still wouldn't work, and I found out I was over 60 pictures too many. And there was no way I could go back and delete/filter out that many, so I had to order 3 volumes of 2018 - one is from January 1st through June 26 when Joseph left for Guatemala, Volume 2 will be the smallest volume documenting the rest of the summer break, and then the 3rd volume is School starting through New Years Eve. So, I'm kinda bummed I had to separate it into 3 different books, but oh well. What can ya do. I'm glad it's done. So that was my big project to finish this week and before the baby comes. The older kids have been busy too - the end of the term is this week. Hence, they've been finishing up projects, making up assignments, and retaking tests. Melodie was working on an art painting tonight. This is what it looks like right now - 
The left side of the painting there used to have something else on it though...
That was how it looked at first - Mel wanted to put a picture of a girl looking up at the galaxy. She did a sketch, outlined it with the white paint, but when she started to paint it in, it didn't quite look right... Hmm, how do I paint a dark night portrait of a girl? Do I use gray? That's not it... She did that part at school and people in class, knowing she's a good artist, came by occasionally to see what she was doing... but she hid it "NO! Don't look!"
It kinda looked more green, she thought it looked like an alien head. She brought it home to try to fix it but she was at a loss, so then she just started being silly and ruined it more - we were all laughing.
We were laughing pretty hard. Yeah, scratch all that - she painted over it.
Blurry picture there cause we were laughing - She's not sure if she'll try to put the face on there again, or some trees, or more stars.
Mel is a funny kid, sometimes she's really goofy and really makes us laugh. Here are two of my other favorite memories with goofy Mel - with broken glass and her concert clothes characters. It was fun to get in a good laugh tonight!

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