Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Joseph is 19!!!

Happy Birthday to our wonderful missionary in Guatemala!
What a great kid, we love that smile! In typical Latino fashion, Joseph got his face shoved in his cake.
Fun news is that the package I sent Dec 29th arrived at the mission home yesterday and they delivered it last night, and it was a total surprise, he loved it! Yay! But I think the present he was most excited about was getting a mission companion.
Yeah, so Elder Flinders showed us up but that's okay. Joseph has been in a trio for the past 2 weeks and has had to find members from his ward to go on splits with him if he wanted to work in his area of Lo De Coy. It's been hard and stressful but he's had a great attitude. I hope he's having a great day. We celebrated here tonight in his honor with some of Joseph's favorite ice cream (Kroger's Chocolate Cookie Crumble) and chocolate cake.
Singing Happy Birthday to Joe with 19 candles on the cakes - 8 on one and 11 on the other. Daniel was super cute blowing out the candles!

Here is his letter from this week and more pictures.

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