Friday, January 11, 2019

Last Weekend

Well, we're almost there. Baby will be here next week, I'm excited. I got a little bit more of Pre Baby Pampering from my sweet Abi
She's given me like 4 foot rubs this week, so nice. One big thing that I wanted to get done before being induced was to be all caught up on the blog - and I did that today! I finished 2018 on Tuesday and I've caught up on January, which wasn't too bad since we're only 10 days in, so yeah, I reached that goal of getting the 2018 blog books ordered now I'm ready to go in on Monday, yay! After the baby is here, I'll be focusing on losing the baby weight and figuring life (aka time &scheduling, homemaking, etc) all out again. In the EJC, we're getting ready for the "Design Your Best Year Yet" Workshop. I was working on my planner and journal tonight.
I also got out a lot of stickers that I bought myself for my birthday last year.
I should use them more often, instead of just buying them and then leaving them sitting in a drawer unused. I'm excited for 2019 - for this little baby to come and for us to adjust to our new family size and all that comes with a little one. It is going to be a good year

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