Thursday, January 10, 2019

Natalie's First Lost Tooth

The first lost tooth is kinda a big deal. Natalie had her big moment tonight. It was very very loose, it was sticking about half a baby tooth length higher and up out of the gums than the other bottom teeth, but Natalie wouldn't let me wiggle it or touch it. She wanted it to come out on it's own. Luckily Abi came to my aid, not intentionally, but Abi and Natalie were wrestling on the bed and kicking each other with their feet and Abi kinda heeled Natalie in the mouth and knocked it over to a 90 degree angle, and then Natalie finished the job and pulled it out.
Corey told her that she's broken and can't go to school now, but Natalie assured him that lots of kids have lost teeth and they can still go to school. And the tooth fairy remembered to put a dollar under Natalie's pillow before she (the tooth fairy, aka me) went to bed, so even that part is taken care of, go me.

And here's a picture of Corey reading to the girls tonight before bed. He always gets a set of books from Costco for Christmas that he can read to the kids. He's a good dad.
I've got 4 days to go until delivery day. Abi asked if she could give me a foot massage tonight, and I gave an enthusiastic yes. Abi, Sophi, and Natalie lotioned my propped up feet and hands as I sat in Owen's chair.
It was really nice, I think I'll let them do it again today. Abi offers to give me a back massage regularly too, maybe I'll also order one of those from her home salon. I've got good kids. They make a mess and we've got a long way to improving things so this place runs smoothly, but they're good. My sons are good too, but none of them pamper me like Abi. My daughters are very nice to me, thank you pretty girls.

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