Friday, January 18, 2019

Name Deadline

I was going to call the hospital vital records today but they beat me to it. When we checked out on Tuesday night, reviewing the birth certificate papers was one thing we didn't cover. But I had left the yellow paper on the clipboard with the name blank and a note written to the side of it saying to call me if I hadn't called them. So I wasn't totally sure when they needed it by. Sometimes we've had 10 days or a week, I was hoping we'd have until Monday... but I was planning on calling today to see. I was entering the hospital numbers in my cell phone when I heard the house phone ring ..."Call from.... Alta View..." I told Abi to answer it. Sure enough, it was for me. "Hi Tiffanie, this is Bonnie." I remember Bonnie. "I need a name..." "Do you need it today?" "Yes." "Can I have an hour?" She said she'd give me an hour. Ok, the deadline is upon us. What do you want to be called, little man? Speak up now or forever hold your peace. He seems to be at a loss...
I didn't get any help from the baby. I texted Corey to let him know it was crunch time. Then called him. But he didn't answer his phone and hadn't seen my WhatsApp messages yet... I called a few more times but no answer. I finally got a hold of him at 1:30. My one hour alarm to call back was set to go off at 1:43. Poor Corey didn't have any mental power to contribute to this decision that I was forcing upon him. "I don't see what the hurry is. I need like a month... What happens if we don't call them back? Call her and give her my number, and then when she calls I won't answer it" (Have I said before that it might be a miracle we got married? Sometimes this guy just can't commit!) I texted him a list of names and my top 3 choices. He was driving but said he'd look at pictures of our little man and think about it when he arrived at work.
10 min passed, then 20... I called him at 2:20 when I felt like we were pushing our luck. We looked up the meanings of our top name choices. That actually made me like choice #2 more, but Corey finally admitted that he liked my top choice - Yay!! Some feedback! I called Bonnie and made it official, and I now announce that this little soul shall be called ~
Peter Benjamin Wride
Peter was my #1 choice for Daniel, too, but when we saw him, he didn't look like a Peter. This little guy has looked like a Peter to me, so I've been thinking it's Peter the whole time. We are going with Benjamin for the middle name cause Joseph liked Benjamin, so we do that in his honor and so that the two of them will have a brotherly bond even though Joseph's not going to meet him until he's a year and a half old! That's kinda crazy to think about.
I texted Corey "It's on the books. Call Bonnie asap if you want to change it. I love you" And then Corey said "For what it is worth, it was the one I liked the most, but I didn't want to tell you since I wasn't sure and didn't want you to just run with it." That made me almost throw up my hands - he's not going to tell me the one he likes lest it (gasp) influence our decision?!?! my reply - "Such a complicated process!" A few things I had texted him before the name was decided "Come on sweetie, we can do this! We're 100% for picking great names so far, we got this!" So, Peter, I hope you like your name.
He's thinking about it...
Naming the kids could arguably be one of the biggest hurdles we face as a couple!


  1. Love it. A good strong boy name that can have plenty of fun nicknames. And Alta View? Who is your doctor there? We live right by there!

  2. Hi! I go to Layne Smith at Granger Clinic :) He's been my doctor for 10 of my deliveries
