Monday, January 21, 2019

One Week Old

Last night was a lunar eclipse - a "super blood wolf moon". We were able to see it from the laundry room. The moon was high in the sky, so it wasn't as cool as the one from September 2015 when it was just rising out of the canyon, but it was still neat to see - these astronomical wonders! What else is going on... oh! Our baby! Yes, this little angel is one week old today!
Here are a few pictures of the hospital that I didn't post last week - A lovely bouquet of flowers that Corey's parent's brought -
I got pictures of most of the kids holding Peter, but here are the few kids that I missed - Daniel holding his new baby brother -
Owen checking out the kid, and perhaps is wondering what this means for him...
Hyrum holding Peter -
Ethan ready for his turn -
And I know I posted one of Abi holding the baby, but this one Corey took was really cute. 
All of us sitting around - kids eating slushies, waiting for them to bring back the baby? I can't remember. Mel and Abi had gone to the cafeteria with a voucher to bring me some food.
This past week was a good week. We're getting to know this little soul and are figuring out a schedule, or if he has one. Things are good. I've been sleeping on the couch most nights. I start off in my bed, but then Peter wakes up and doesn't latch on quickly and starts to fuss... Owen and Daniel seem to wake up quickly to his cries, so I have to hustle out of the room with him or I'll have 3 little boys on my hands. So Peter and I are on the couch most nights. It's okay. Last Thursday night/Friday morning was really hard and he cried a lot, and I was crying too at 3:30 of exhaustion. He was seriously up and nursing or fussing from 12:30 until 5:30, and then he finally fell into a deep sleep. I told Corey that I would most likely be leaving movies on for the kids cause I needed a nap. Taking one day at a time, and giving myself grace and space as we enter this short season of our life with a newborn. It's a special time.

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