Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Little Animals

The latest movie the kids have watched is Zootopia. Thus, they toddlers have created a new game where go from a civilized and evolved animal to a savage one. Here Owen and Daniel have both become wild savages -
Then they attack each other...
They do a quick little wrestle...
And repeat.
It's kinda funny. Owen's been prowling around on his hands and knees quite often the past few days, growling at us and then pouncing. Daniel is usually the one that gets pounced on by Owen if we're not there to intervene. We're glad when Hyrum is home to give Owen a run for his money -
He roughs them up and has been willing to take the beatings that Corey used to take as a young father. We're too old for that now, atleast not as often as the toddlers want to dish it out. Here's Daniel doing a dark side of the Force choke hold on Hyrum. He's a good actor and most days the toddlers feel like they are an equal match to him.
We're glad to have Hyrum around to be a surrogate father. Abi is a good helper with the kids too. She was playing this stick pulling game with Daniel tonight - bringing back church history stories of Joseph Smith and his strength....
Pull Daniel!! Pull!!! You can do it!
I thought his little cheesy grin was so cute.
but it looks like Abi won
In other news, we talked to Joseph today - better camera quality than last week, about the same audio though.
And one last bit of news from today - I was catching up on paying bills, and called to pay a hospital bill and the amount that the lady said was due was putting us up over our deductible which confused me, so I called our insurance... turns out Peters bill wasn't covered by the deductible, cause he wasn't covered... cause we forgot to add Peter to our coverage. Doh. We had 30 days to do it. So I was kinda freaking, being as he just had his 2 month doctor appointment, aka that would mean we have missed the window of opportunity, which would mean he is not covered, which would mean we would be responsible for the bills from his RSV stay, which I'm guessing are gonna be over $15k... just a guess. So, I filled out the form for Corey to send in to add Peter (has to go through his "employer" which is himself) so we'll be sending that tomorrow and an appeal to ask them to cover Peters birth bills, check up bills, and soon to be RSV bills. I'm praying it will all be covered by the insurance even though it was our fault for not adding him. Fingers crossed.

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