Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Unreported World

Corey has discovered more treasures of knowledge on youtube - instead of just watching Dr. Phil after scriptures, Corey has found a few new videos to share with the kids - most from the channel "Unreported World". Stories from parts of the world that usually don't make it into the news. A few of the episodes we've watched this month: The World's Dirtiest RiverForced to be Fat, Skin Bleaching, Disabled and Dating in IndiaObesity in Paradise, Siberia's Next Supermodels to name a few. I asked him how he comes across these but he didn't say. Then I found him last Saturday morning watching a new video on youtube - another new channel he came across? Real Stories - he still had his bedhead as he looked at me with wide eyes and an approving nod of his head... "Iranian Divorce Court! It's interesting!"
He's so funny/weird! A few more pictures from last weekend - Mel helping me out by practicing her mom multi-tasking skills - playing the flute while holding Peter. She's an angel with how she helps, I just wish she wasn't so busy!
I took a clue from her and am carrying Peter while I walk on the treadmill - keeping the treadmill at an incline and keeping the pace in the "fat burn" zone. But this weight is coming off sloooowly, blah.
I'm hoping Peter will get a growth spurt soon and suck it all off of me.

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