Monday, March 18, 2019

My Happy Place

I have alarms that go off all morning - On Mondays the older kids have late start, so it begins with waking up Wes, then to make sure Mel, Eth, and Hyrum are awake - they all get up, or should be getting up, the same time as the little girls do for elementary school. But today they had a morning side though, so I woke them up earlier and it saved me a trip cause they were able to take Wesley early (he goes early on Mon, Wed, and Friday for SBO stuff before school). The morning side with Jon Schmidt from the Piano guys! Cool! Although Ethan got mad at me for waking him up "Dad would like you to go...." and he yelled at me saying "I don't care! Don't make us do crap like this!" I'll give him a "he's still a sleeping zombie" pass, but he is pretty mean when he's tired (and he's tired all the time). So he did get up, but Mel and Hyrum didn't want to be late waiting for him, so they texted a neighbor and got a ride with her, and Ethan took Wes - Wes was on time to school but E was a bit late for the morningside. Most of our mornings don't go smoothly with E. It's like a battle to make him wake up and live. Anyway, I wish I could avoid it all and just lay on the couch with Peter all morning. So I guess I fight waking up and living too. I just want to hit the pause button.
Atleast when he is in the heavenly peace zone - it is so nice to hold him, he's so warm and he looks so content. I love it, it's my happy place. Hard to capture with a picture, but I hope it's captured in my mind, I know I'm going to miss it.
He is usually sweetly sleeping when my alarms go off, and when it is time to sleep, like at 2 am - that is when he's wiggly. But I love it when he's still and slumbering. It is heaven.
Here is a picture of Owen this morning, in his heavenly peace slumber. We maybe should take that binky away soon?
And Owen, I think you're getting too big for that chair. We have a bed set up for him, but he likes the chair. And if he will lay down and be quiet, we usually let him stay there. But we might need to get rid of the chair if we want him to move to the toddler bed.
It might be good to get rid of the tv in our room too - turn our room into our place and not a toddler place. I don't want to take apart the crib though... Daniel asleep this morning ~
The crib won't fit out the door if it's put together, so we'd hae to take it apart if we want to move the boys out of here, unless we just keep Peter in our room? Hmm, decisions decisions. We do need to keep Peter safe from the overflow of affection from his siblings. He was on my bed earlier when the toddlers got my phone and took a few selfies with him.
"Mom!! Save me!!" So we've been discussing how we'll rearrange things after Mel leaves - I think we'll have all the girls in a room together again and maybe move Owen and Daniel in to the little room where all the girls are now? We'll see. Mel's got a few more months until we kick her out she heads off to BYU.

Tonight Corey took the kids out to an Escape room with our Get Out Pass -
I haven't done one before. They did one earlier this year in St. George.
He said this one was harder to solve because when Natalie entered the room she went straight to the cards/clues and messed them up. Kids turn it into AP Escape room, similar to AP Pictionary.
Ok kids, haha, try to figure it out now! Take that!
Luckily Wesley had a hunch who the killer was and with that they were able to figure it out just in time. Good thing too, cause if you guess wrong, the whole facility blows up! Let's get a group photo of those good detectives!
Minus the little mess-it-up culprit.
Corey took the kids to Leatherby's afterward, but it was busy, and then a big group of Tongans came in, and then Corey aborted the ice cream mission and they came back home. Sorry kids. But Corey's been doing a great job taking them out for fun activities on Monday nights, good job sweetie. I'll step it up and start to help with stuff like that again in a few months when Peter isn't exclusively nursing. Until then, you guys go have fun, and I'll be content staying home in my happy place.

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