Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Joseph's MTC teacher in Guatemala was a fellow named Junior.
Junior was also the ward mission leader in Joseph's first area of Lo De Coy. When Joseph's companions went home, Junior did splits with him a lot. We are grateful for him! We were in touch with him on facebook when Joseph was in his ward and we got a few extra pics of Joseph on days other than p-day which was fun. Junior is up in Utah right now, I think he's been here for like a month? He started off doing some touristy stuff in southern Utah where they give you a place to sleep if you help work or something like that. This month he's up in the Salt Lake Valley and is staying with us. I knew Corey had offered for him to stay with us, but I didn't know when he was coming and I'm not sure how long he's going to be here. But he got here on Friday and I went to pick him up. Corey texted me a pic so I knew who I was looking for.
That night he went with Corey and the young men in our ward out to Lone Rock to camp and do some climbing and gun shooting.
Wes is up high on the wall there, pretty cool photo!
So, them being gone for a night gave me a little bit of time to figure out a sleeping place for Junior. I did mention to Corey it would be nice to have guests if we actually had a guest room. Oh well. So I had Sophi donate her mattress since we gave away all our spare furniture to Iveth and Diego. We gotta make do with what we have. I told the little girls to share the full mattress on their bottom bunk - there is plenty of room there. They did the first few nights, but this morning I woke up to find Sophi was up on the top bunk bed again and that she slept on a hard wood board!
That didn't look comfortable to me. I showed Corey. When Sophi got up for school, Corey asked her how she slept. "Fine. Why?" she replied as she looked at him like he was weird for asking. "Well you were sleeping on a piece of wood..." "It was fine."  
Ok, more power to ya. While I was at it, I took pictures of other sleeping children. Looks like Louie kicked Owen out of the chair.
Owen is still sleeping with a blanket and pacifier, although we try to remember to take the binky away from him after he falls asleep. I don't dare wash Owen's blanket, it's getting so thin and ragged. Can you tell which is his favorite corner to fidget with?
This blanket is hanging by a thread. I wonder what will happen if the tag part falls off? Hang on little blanket! Blankie Man needs you. Here is Peter asleep in our bed, all nice and snug, Corey in the heap of blankets behind him
And a cute picture of Peter tonight, he is so adorable.
He's starting to grasp his hands and grab at the toys, it's so cute!

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