Monday, May 20, 2019

Ideal Meal

Corey sent me this picture today.
That is one big pizza. I'm not sure when it was taken, but I think it was last week on a day that Corey was taking Junior and Gabriel to see sights in the valley. so probably May 11th. He has been being a good host to them. He might also have been prepping them to help him with Youth Conference stuff. Corey's been working hard planning a big "Amazing Race" type thing for the youth in our ward to do for youth Conference. He's been able to enlist Gabriel and Junior to help him find locations and get coordinates and stuff. I guess on that day, when the pic was taken above, they were all going around together gathering info. And then stopped for lunch. And apparently decided to splurge on that monster pizza. Just giving into their carnal instincts for gluttony I guess - the male version of a great meal.

Our little girls are more refined. The little girls have liked using the nice dishes lately when they eat. They make themselves a fancy meal. Of course my natural reaction is worry over them breaking the dishes. But I'm trying to listen to the angel on my other shoulder who says "Well what is the point of even having these nice dishes if you don't use them?" So I will try to relax about it.
Here we have (from left to right) some yogurt, blossom flowers in a candleholder, a pancake and a sliced banana, and juice in a fancy glass with a banana on the rim. I thought the banana was a nice touch (they couldn't find a lemon to slice). And a left over rose from Mother's Day. So there's a male vs. female photo study for you.

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