Thursday, May 16, 2019

As Time Goes By

Yesterday I was looking through old scrapbooks. I happened upon this picture of Corey and I at a dance at Snow College. And here we are in May! So this was just barely 24 years ago this week, as of this past Monday. We had our whole life ahead of us!
...and maybe we still do. I loved this dance because this is the first one we went to where it was official - we both knew that we liked liked each other, so we were getting serious, and I couldn't have been more thrilled.
I need to finish scrapbooking this page, lol. 
Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna be getting to that anytime soon. So many unfinished projects. So, yesterday I showed Iveth in the scrapbooks some of memories and things we've done with the kids. I also showed her how I've converted to Blog books and I helped her start a blog! :) It's at - cause they have been on an adventure too, coming here to the US. I was telling her how when we went to Costa Rica and Chile, it was great to have a blog for my family back home to know what was going on, but more than that, this has become a wonderful online keepsake that my kids love to read. And printing up the books is great too, to have a hard copy on hand. 
I love it and she said had mentioned before that she wanted to do one too, so I hope she's able to make time to do it! I do get behind quite often, but if I keep kinda good notes in my planner and calendar or in my texts, I'm able to remember what happened and go back and catch up. She won't regret it and neither will you if you start to journal, blog, and write about your life. 

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