Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Park Fail

Wes had Little Big Band again today. Here is a picture of Wes. I don't know that I've blogged him at all lately. My little sister came by with a big box of clothes that her teenage boys didn't need, and so now Wes is stocked up! Which is good, cause he was running really low on pants without holes. How do you feel about that Wes?
He's "so happy!" Thanks Jersh! So, I took Wes to LBB. I didn't have room in the car for all the little kids if Wes came, so Abi stayed home. She had a youth activity at the church anyway. So, the plan was to go to Manilla Park while we waited. That plan failed 2 weeks ago, but the sign said it was being rebuilt May 4th - 11, and we even gave it 4 extra days just in case, so I thought we'd be good. Unfortunately it wasn't finished yet! The chain link fence was still all around it and there were men inside working. Drat. Sorry kids. I took you here in vain once again. So once again we drove around and found some random school park. Owen and Daniel were happy, the girls not as much.
Lily was a good helper.
Soon they were playing and having fun showing off their skills to me.
Sophi going down the pole...
and UP a wall...
And then... she was done. Here's Sophi's "I'm bored" pose.
Well we're not ready to leave yet, so just keep going. Natalie going down the slide.
Owen's got skills too.
We talked to Joseph on the phone after dropping off Wes. He's a good kid, we sure miss him. Here is his letter from today. What else... Yesterday Peter had his 4 month check up. He got a few immunization shots. Just a little cry and then he was fine. What a good baby. 

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