Friday, May 17, 2019

Kindergarten & Ballroom

Today Natalie had her kindergarten program - "American Symbols On Parade!" (Same and Sophi's program last year) It was cute to see the kids walk in... I stood up, and I could see Natalie but she hadn't seen me yet, and she had a concerned expression as she looked and looked around the room. When she saw me she got the cutest relieved smile, it made it worth it to go there with 3 toddlers in tow. Then we heard all the songs we've been hearing her sing for weeks. Cute girl
Her big song was about the bald eagle. "Do you know my name?"
It was a cold day, so before we headed out, I broke out this hat for Peter, the one Mel made for Owen, isn't he cute?
After the program we took a group kid photo with Natalie.
Lily was able to come because her classmates are the "4th grade buddies" to the kindergarteners. Another pic of our proud eagle as we headed to her classroom for root beer floats
Natalie sitting at her desk.
Daniel and Owen taking a place at the table with her. With how things have been going with all the other kids in our family, I'm guessing that these two will be starting kindergarten before I know it!
Natalie and Daniel had root beer, but it made the drink just a little too unfamiliar for Owen, so I went and requested a "just vanilla ice cream" cup for Owen.
Natalie and Daniel drinking it up.
Then Natalie showed them around the room and showed them all the fun things you can do with the toys they have - make a helmet!
Natalie and her teacher Mrs. Oliverson (aka Mrs O)
Then we headed home. Abi had Safety patrol today, so I took a picture of that for the record.
Abi is our first kid that wanted to do Safety Patrol. I've been glad the other kids didn't care to do it - I'm kinda all for just makes my mornings a little less complicated.  So, you might have noticed in the kid group picture, Lily had some weird black hat on her head. That was Lily's attempt at creating a french beret out of a pile of black fabric - so that she could be an artist. 
She owned it and was creative, that works. Lily and Sophi both dressed up at artists, because today the Student Council sponsored a "dress like your future career" day. I helped Sophi make her shirt and pallet. Here she is giving me a very serious artist pose for the camera before school.
One other activity today was a Ballroom performance for Wesley. He had one last night, and the final one was today. Wesley invited Iveth and her kids to come see. I thought it was at 7 and told her so. But it actually wasn't until 7:30. I was running late, so Iveth saved me a spot. Lily and Abi sat by her. 
Iveth went to Abi's piano recital last week and to this performance today - I'm not sure if my kids genuinely want to share their talents, or mabye they are starved for parental attention? So they're getting it from any source they can. Corey and I do the best we can, but I must admit that we fall very short - there are more performances and concerts in our 12 kid family than we have the ability to attend! But Corey came last night to Wesley's performance, and I said I'd come see it tonight. Corey's parent's went last night too - to tonight we squeezed in a quick date while the kids played at Coreys' parent's house, and then Corey stayed there with them while I took a few up to the show.
They had quite a few dance numbers - but they were all pretty quick and it flew by -
There were a lot of costume changes!
They did a great job!
I was glad I was able to go see the show.
Dark auditoriums with a lot of noise are good for me to attend, cause my little friend Peter usually isn't a disruption and I also don't have to leave the show, like I did at Mel's GMS Gala a few weeks ago. Mel has a GMS Chamberpalooza tomorrow. I'm not going to make it out to that this year but I'll update with a picture of it. (updated below)
Anyway, two more programs done! We have another busy week next week, but we're almost through the school year, we're gonna hang in there and will hopefully still be alive as we drag ourselves across the finish line.

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