Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Happy Tuesday

After a day off yesterday for Memorial Day, today we are back at it one more time for this last week of school. We are going on a trip next Sunday, so the girls will be missing the last week of school which is next week, and instead this is the last week for them. The older kids are enjoying some freedom. Ethan has started a job working for my parents, which works out well cause they are able to be flexible with his schedule. Mel is trying to finish up Personal Progress stuff and made a 10 hour organizing project for herself that our family gets to be the lucky recipients of! So we spent the day organizing pantries and fridge, cleaning out the drawers and cupboards. We did the fridge again cause the ice noise stopped and it had frozen over the fan, so the fridge wasn't even cool. It hasn't even been 2 months since I had to thaw it last, darn fridge. I threw out a lot of food again. That's not entirely the stupid fridge's fault, most of the food was old and forgotten ...but the warmer fridge temp didn't help. What else, this morning Daniel woke up rather early for him. I could hear him talking to himself and playing in his crib. When I went to check on him, he was looking toward the door at me.
I smiled at him, and did a little finger wave to say hello. He didn't move to get up or call me to lift him out of the crib, he just held still as he turned his hand and waved his fingers at me too. It was super cute. Come here, cute boy!
It's been a great day. I've felt in a surprisingly good mood, I think it's cause I've given up sugar for a few days (doing a 21 day challenge with Holly). I think I would have said that sugar doesn't affect me much, but if this good mood continues, I guess I will have proven myself wrong and it might be an official farewell to sugar. What else. After school today, Lily was working hard on her paper Palace Pets.
I don't really know what she has been doing, but she has been working hard for weeks making these every available minute. She does tracing on the computer and drawing and coloring and cutting... 
Pretty good Lil! We've got another little artist on our hands.  And we'll finish off with a few cute pics of Peter tonight.
Ethan said that Peter is depressed.
It was pretty cute how chill and relaxed he was being.
Oh, and a picture of Daniel being a funny weirdo.
I took a video of him, may upload it later. He was making us all laugh and then he would laugh. Chocolate cake courtesy of Uncle Mark, from a BBQ at his house yesterday. We brought some home for Ethan and he was nice to share some of it with Daniel.

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