Saturday, May 18, 2019

Soccer and Pete is Covered

Abi had her last soccer game today. It has been a wet spring and they had 3 of their 8 games cancelled because of the weather, as well as over half of her practices. This morning it looked pretty gray, but we hadn't gotten an email about the game being cancelled so she got ready. When it was time to leave, it was pouring rain at our house. But still no email, so we left anyway. And surprise surprise, the sun was shining on the fields! So it looks like game on.
But those storm clouds in the distance look a little threatening... 
I didn't think we'd make it through the hour without rain, but we did. Lucky day. Abi was #10
Mel was on her way home from GMS after, and she had to take the bus cause we're down a car, so we called her and picked her up early on her route since it was on our way. Then we went by Whole Foods and bought fun food - Romanesco Broccoli and a bag of little potatoes! Melodie and her little baked potato ~
It's like a baked potato for a doll! "So cute! It's so little!" Everyone was excited about the little potatoes. Around 4:00 Corey took kids to the Hale Center Theater. Sophi said she wanted to go, then she didn't, then she got in the car, then she got out. Corey couldn't wait any longer so he left with the kids that were in the car and Sophi was sad. (She is a bit dramatic. As Corey often tells the kids "Dramatic means that you feel deeply". She felt deeply the pain of being left behind.
One last thing - it's been almost two months since we found out that we had forgotten to add Peter to our insurance (oops!). Well, we got some good news in the mail on Thursday - Peter's RSV intensive care hospital bills are covered, yay!
They had told me over the phone that they would be covered, but I didn't put stock in it until I saw the papers making it official.
We had a whole stack of now updated "statements of benefit"-s. Each page showed our responsibility - $0, $0, $0! Phew! As George says on Monsters Inc "That was a close one!" Here are a few of the charges that are on just one of the statements - line 2 is for the pediatric intensive care - $10,000+! Yikes
Yes, so needless to say, I'm relieved to have that officially covered. Unfortunately, that means it's a good year for us to have accidents and not have to worry about paying them... knock on wood that we won't have many trips to the doctor! I remember I was kinda okay with Natalie's ER trip in 2015 cause we had met our deductible thanks to Owen's birth and delivery. I was a little worried this time with a January baby and early meeting of our deductible that it would mean we're set us up for trouble! Hope we make it through the year ok!

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