Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Another Violin Student

Yesterday I found a cute 1/4th violin on the classifieds, so I took the little kids with me and we drove out to West Jordan to get it. There was no bow. The lady said her son had ruined it, and that it's prob $60-ish to re-hair (?) it, but that new bows cost bout that much anyway, so yeah, she was just selling the violin. Cost $50 bucks, sweet! Natalie, are you excited to learn the violin?!?
She will be the next musician in our family. But there might also be another up and coming musician close behind her, which is me. Cause I'm going to have to be her and Sophi's parent teacher, since our currently hired parent fill in is Melodie, and she's leaving for college next month. So yeah, I bought myself a used violin on Monday too so that I can try to figure things out that I'm supposed to be coaching her with during her practicing at home. My violin was $85, and it came with a bow. Seems ok, but it's metallic colored, which I didn't really like. I kinda don't feel like I could be taken seriously using it, not that I know how serious I am about this, but just in case I am... I bought another used violin today. This one was from one of the first round of texts I sent out to different sellers. It looks more legit. The guy said it was a Russian or Romanian violin I think? It is wood but doesn't have a bow, so I guess I'll use the bow from the first one and try to resell that metallic violin.

What else. Abi has been working hard on legos. She made a Marriott hotel on Monday... (Sorry you're blurry Abi)
Notice the check in counter, revolving door to the lobby... just like the Marriott at Park City!
Very well done. And since vacationing was on her mind, her next project was a cruise ship, which she finished today.
Sailing in the blue waters of a blanket. Pool on the top deck of the ship...
One of the cruise suites.
They've been in the lego zone for a few weeks, which is good. Kid's town lasted for like 2 days, then it's been lego building for the rest of the play time this summer. It's a huge mess down there in the basement, but that's their creativity area. Atleast I usually don't see it.

Daniel and Owen down for their naps today.
And last but not least, Mr. Peter has been a plank-ing MACHINE!!
Work those abs, baby!! Oh, the burn, he needs a break...
But not for too long - up again!!!
He's so cute! It's amazing to see babies go through the phases each month, they learn the new things that they need to learn like clockwork. It's like their programmed or something (divine design, perhaps?). Peter is like a little caterpillar that know to eat, molt, make a silk pad, then a j-hook... caterpillars, like babies, just come with all the programming they need to become the amazing miracles they are. I sometimes say Peter is my squishy caterpillar. He's gonna be crawling then walking before we know it!!

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