Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hibbert Reunion - To Idaho

Today we headed to Idaho for a family reunion.
We went up to Yellowstone with my side of the family 10 years ago too. So I took a picture at the same spot in Idaho Falls, a lot has changed in 10 years!
That's a lot of little duckings. We all met up and had lunch at the Falls, then continued on to Island Park. We went by my grandparent's graves in Ashton.
Six out of seven kids were in attendance, that's a decent showing. My sister Camilla was going to come out, but then their plans changed when they learned they had to plan for a wedding! We miss you Moo!
Then we went to the Railroad ranch and Harriman State Park. My great grandpareants and my grandpa all worked there. Mary Williamson worked as a cook. She probably served the food in the dining cottage.
It was fun to be there, it is a beautiful park!! It had been a long drive, so everyone was ready to arrive at our destination. So we went to the cabin on Huckleberry ridge. Gorgeous view of the Island Park Caldera!
It was a fun cabin, the little kids kept asking if it was our new home. Everyone called dibs on a bunk bed spot. There were like 15 triple bunk beds in the two rooms - so fun!!
Natalie and Sophi asked if we could live there. When I explained that it was too far from their school they understood why it might be too far for us to live there. But maybe we can build a home like this in our neighborhood! What I wouldn't give for a finished basement. The boys loved playing pool.
We visited and played games. We are trying to get Daniel off his bottle, so we didn't bring one. But then Daniel found his cousins' bottle. He felt very betrayed when Uncle Grant took it back.
So there was lots of cousin play time and time to visit for the adults too.
We are going to Yellowstone tomorrow and Saturday and then heading back home Sunday. We are excited to have a few days here!

(10 Sept Update - here is a video my brother made of the reunion!)

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