Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hyrum at EFY

Hyrum has been at Especially for Youth this past week. Corey took him and his cousin Seth down on Monday July 22nd, and I picked him and Seth up yesterday, Saturday July 27. We had to pick them up around 7, so that means a 6am departure time, so that means me, cause I'm the early bird at our house. So I drove down and didn't really know where to go but figured it out. There were a TON of kids and I wasn't sure how I'd find the two I was looking for, since Hyrum doesn't have (or want) a cell phone. Corey sent me Seth's phone number and I continued to wander through hundreds of kids. Then right before Seth picked up by some miracle he was standing in front of me. Hi guys! How was it?!?
And since they had now found their ride, they said a final goodbye to their new friends.
This girl hugging Seth had just given Hyurm a hug! As far as I am aware, that has not been happening with his group of friends at Skyline.... A final wave from Hyrum as we depart
Then on the way back to the car, Hyrum told me that he had lost his EFY bag on Thursday after lunch, which included his scriptures, his EFY journal, and his wallet and drivers permit and stuff like that. Well... might as well do a final look around for that while we are here. Seth waited in the car and Hyrum and I walked over to place where the lost and found might be. As we walked, Hyrum shared more, including a statement that made me lol - "I've done this more this week than ever before in my life..."
Nothing like partying it up in Happy Valley!! His stuff wasn't at the lost and found, so we left my cell number to text. Then over to the Wilkinson lost and found, that wasn't open either. But his stuff has his name in it, I'm sure it will turn up. So it was a full week of life on BYU Campus, eating at the cafeteria, living it up with a bunch of new friends. I'll try to remember to come back and have Hyrum share some thoughts, but from what I can tell, it was just amazing and he loved it and he's so sad it's over. Here he is crying on the couch as he and Seth shared a few stories. 
He came home and gave Wes an kind and loving big brother hug, which he's never done before. Wesley was like "What the... I thought he was gonna punch me!" but no, it was an "I love you" hug. Here's a picture of when Corey was dropping them off.
He said he wants to be better. He doesn't want to return to the "I'm bored, this sucks" kinda attitude and life he was having up until a week ago. He wants to get lost in the scriptures like he did at EFY, he wants to be good and do good. It was great.
Well Hyrum, I'm sorry that you're sad to be here!!! That would make me feel like a bit of a failure of a mom if my kids think life sucks here. But just know that we are all very glad you're back! This life here at home doesn't have to be terrible, we can all work together to make it good! With you on board now, I know we can make our home a happy place too. Probably will never be as great as EFY, but we'll try! So, that's that. Summer is almost over. We are headed up to Park City today and will be there all week. Well, Corey and some kids will be, I plan on being home most of the time, cause I just don't cope well up there with toddlers. 

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