Monday, July 29, 2019

On Duty in Park City

Hi. It is midnight. I just got home from Park City. I did the best I could and toughed it out through the day, but I'm not planning on going back up at all this week. As I said yesterday, I don't cope well up there with toddlers. Here are a few pictures that show why. So today Corey had a meeting at work, so he left to drive down there and so I was on duty. My older kids were all gone and doing whatever, I was on toddler duty. I was doing okay until between the hours of 11-1, because Peter felt sick...
And cause Owen wanted to go swimming, so I got him ready, then he didn't want to go and was trying to block me in the hallway, but Daniel was in the hallway ahead of me running toward the pool... Owen, you need to let me pass.
I forced by way past him, he followed me, and then proceeded to scream at the gate to the hot tubs.
He was tired, but he wouldn't go to sleep.
Soon I gave up, so I left Daniel with older kids and took Peter and Owen back to the room. Corey had hidden the remotes in the safe, so I had to get the code from him so I could get SpongeBob to save me. Corey gave me his blessing to "TV-it-up"
And hallelujah he fell asleep.
Peter and I took a nap too. He woke up feeling better.
But I was still just waiting until I could leave.
So we went to the mine. On my way there, we passed Lily who was coming out of the theater after watching "Hairspray" - she said "Hey Mom! I know it sounds weird, but 💓Zac Efron💓! 😍!!..." I headed over to babysit at the train table.
Corey had to wait for Mel, who was at a Music School Flute forum thing. She wasn't finished until 7, which was later than I had estimated for how long I needed to cope. When Corey returned he tagged me, I had his blessing to leave, but first we got family pictures taken. Usually they do it on Friday or Saturday, but we did it today because Ethan and Wes were going to be gone at High Adventure after Wednesday morning (and cause I'm not coming back). Daniel was playing nicely in the pool, and we made him get out for pictures, and he didn't take kindly to that, and so he gnashed his teeth upon us all. When we were done, he went back to the pool, but didn't get in. I sat by him and we soaked our feet in the warm water.
He tried to remember what he was just so irate about a few moments ago...
"Eh, I can't remember." "Ok, do you want to go home?" "Yeah".
And so we left, and the little boys went straight to bed. Tomorrow is a new day, I'll try to make it a good week, we'll see what I'm able to get accomplished. I plan on reading and cleaning. Maybe blogging a little bit too.

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