Friday, July 5, 2019

Train Table

Yesterday, while I was chilling at home after the 4th of July morning festivities, Owen was asking to go to "teacher's house". That is Owen speak for going to Sophi's violin teachers house, where he can play with their train table. I told him "not today" and stroked his hair (and gave him a hair cut,) and then he fell asleep on the floor, and while he slept I checked out the classifieds. His birthday is coming up... he's been patient, so we're gonna get him an early birthday present. I knew he liked trains after Park City 2017, but then at Park City last year, I knew he really loves trains. He accepted my little train set (cause he had already had his birthday, so it was like a bonus birthday present) but this year it's time to get these little boys a real train table. I found a few close by and texted them that I was interested. I headed out to the first one that replied. Out in West Jordan. While I was on my way, and less expensive one replied, but I figured I'd still go check out the pricier one. And I am so glad I did, cause it is a great table and we got such a good deal! This is the best train table!!
It had all the pieces, including a boat, helicopter, airplane, bus, people, little trees, a bridge and double bridge, a big mountain tunnel thing... it is so cool! And I was so glad that she had kept the instructions about how to put it together, cause that would have taken me a long time to figure out on my own.
So that is awesome and I hope will keep them happy for a while this summer. And we finished cleaning the new girls room today and it looks great. And one more thing we just got in place for this summer: a new system to help our overload of dishes! The kids got to choose to either help wash dirty dishes, or to wash their own. Most of them opted to wash their own. These 5 bins are in the cupboard where the dishes used to be...
And a lot of the dishes are now tucked away up in storage. And in the corner cupboard we are keeping the dishes for people who are not part of the "wash my own dishes" club (Me, Corey, Mel, and Owen and Daniel)
Abi and Sophi have their dishes above the microwave.
I already feel a weight lifted! This will be good. I think it will just be a summer time thing until school starts. Cause after they go to school, the pile of dirty dishes won't be able to get so high so quickly like it has been with all of them here all day. And then we'll start a "everybody takes a turn" dish night each week. Go team!

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