Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Well last night sucked. Peter had a looong night crying and coughing. Owen woke up too, so I was taking a bath with two toddlers at 4:30 am, fun for me. Brightside is that it was less painful here at home than it would have been in Park City, so I'm grateful I was at home. I got up around 8:30, I'm just going to take it easy today.

Up at Park City tonight, Lily played with the Blues Band. She was nervous to play, but Corey encouraged her. Yesterday when I was on duty, I gave up and turned on the tv, and along with lots of SpongeBob, we also watched "The Sandlot" and a line from that movie came to her mind... "Remember kid, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart kid and you can never go wrong." Thanks, Babe Ruth, for giving Lily the courage to go for it! Lily the Legend!

Here at home today I did a little bit of reading and do believe I have had another turning point in my health life. One came a few years ago when I learned about the dangers of animal food. But over the past 2 years I've still had a hard time resisting desserts. And I've learned it was usually because I WAS STILL HUNGRY and craving some carbs! As I recently read in Dr. McDougall's book The Starch Solution: "You can't fool hunger." (Page 21)
I was trying to fool it - telling myself that if I stuffed my stomach full of veggies, then I'd be good to go. But I was still hungry, even after a huge salad. There is just something about carbs, especially potatoes, breads, and beans that I wanted and that was satisfying. But for whatever reason, even knowing they are plant based foods, I still thought they were not the best options. ...and then I'd give into not plant based desserts or whatever processed stuff was on hand. Well I watched this video and I've had an aha moment, a lightbulb has gone on.

Humans are starchivores! The reason why breads and potatoes call out to me is because that is my food! That is the food humans are designed to want for energy.

I've had this book for a while but hadn't read it. A surprise phone call last Thursday with my friend Jen prompted me to recommend it to her and I said she could borrow it, but then I started googling it and I watched that video above and now I'm reading it and I wondering why I didn't see this before, why it didn't click? Starch is key. I'm going to explore this, I think it's the cold hard truth. But it's not hard, it's kinda a relief! I'm grateful to know this now, I'll give an update in a few weeks with how it goes!

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