Saturday, August 24, 2019

Lost Bunny Rabbit

We have had all sorts of new animal visitors this summer! The usual deer and squirrel friends, snails, spiders and bugs. Then there was the skunk last month. Today we had another animal in our window well - a little bunny rabbit!
On our first attempt to help him, he jumped away and pretty high in an attempt to escape. But not high enough. He was stuck. Unlike with the skunk, however, I wasn't afraid to get in the well with this guy. I got in, put a bin next to him... put a bin lid over him, and slowly closed them together until he jumped inside the bin. Piece of cake!!
The kids were behind me in the basement and outside above me. They took off the well grid above me so I could hand them the bin and get out. Everyone rushed outside to see the bunny run free.
Of course, as soon as they had seen it, they were all asking over and over again "Can we keep him?!?!?!" No, this little bunny wants to go home. And he ran away showing us that he does not want to be our pet!

And that's great, (cause I don't want a pet!) But you were super cute! Bye little bunny!!!
One more picture of a cute thing from tonight - Natalie hurt her toe, and Ethan needed to soak his toe from after his ingrown toenail surgery, so he made a little soak bath that Natalie could share with him. He brought the epsom salts, Natalie brought the confetti. It was cute to see the sibling bonding.
And Peter's company always makes things more fun. We have confetti all over the bathroom sink now, kinda hard to get it to not stick. Worth it for the quality bonding time

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