Monday, September 16, 2019

Abi's Braces Off

Look who has a pretty new smile! It's Abi!!
She got her braces off today! She got them on in January 2018.
Wow, what a transformation, am I right? It's amazing how much she's grown in a year and a half from a little girl into a young woman. Or is it just a straight set of teeth that makes her look 16? Dr. Dave apologized if he holds responsibility for making our little Abi grow up to quickly and be too pretty too soon. Well, there's probably that could have been done to stop it. Not much we poor parents can do to freeze time and stop these kids from growing up! Daniel jumped in the chair while Abi went to get x-rays and pictures taken
You don't need braces already, Daniel, do you?!?! No, he just wanted to drive his toy cars on the brown chair, which was actually a mountain in their eyes.
Owen cruising his train down the slopes
Daniel's car heading toward a cliff!
Peter is crawling. He chased a waterbottle around the floor by me.
Here are some previous posts about our family's Orthodontic experiences -
 - Consultation visit Feb 2015
 - Joseph braces on Feb 2015
 - Wes braces on Feb 2015
 - Wes got his braces off November 2015
 - Hyrum braces on March 2016
 - Joseph probably got his braces off somewhere at the end of 2016, but I think since he was driving then, he just went in himself and I never took a picture? or if I did I didn't document it here. Or I just can't find it. Anyway, I don't know when Joseph got his braces off, though I could probably call the office to find out. I won't do that now though.
 - Hyrum braces off October 2017
 - Me invisalign on June 2018.
 - Mel got her invisalign on in May this past year, 2019, I'll see if she has a picture.
I get my invisalign off next month, and then we'll get family pictures taken, yay!

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