Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fat Cats

We've been doing pretty good at doing activities for Family home evening the past few weeks. Last night we went to Fat Cats for some bowling and miniature golf. Corey, Ethan, and Owen bowled.
Ethan has been taking bowling at a class at school, and talked up the high scores he gets, so he was struggling last night when he kept being in last places after each frame. Corey had a strike, Owen had a strike and a spare, and Ethan was struggling in 3rd.
Owen was a cute blowler with his yellow ball.
Final scores - Eth 77, Corey 88, Owen 88. While they were bowling the rest of the kids did glow in the dark miniature golf.
The bowlers finished first, so they started another game. Ethan was ready to redeem himself.
Owen's got his ball and is ready to bowl. At that time the golfers were just finishing up.
(I spent most of my time feeding Peter on a bench by the bowling lane) So, after getting the kids from golf, they killed time at the arcade. Of course Daniel's favorite once again was skee ball!
Say Cheese Daniel!
And show me your "excited" face
I didn't let anyone else take Daniel's balls. He rarely was able to roll them up and over the edge, so it kept him quite occupied to just push them up and and have them roll right back down to him.
I don't care if he's not playing the game "right" - as long as he's happy and it keeps him busy, it's all good. He got one in!

He took a little break to go sit on the motorbike.
Back at the balls with Owen and Sophi.

Did you see Sophi swipe a ball from Daniel at the end there? Hey Sophi! You're really good, but don't steal the balls from the 2 year old!
It was cute to watch him. That was my job tonight - hold Peter and watch Daniel.
I took way too many pictures of him, not very many of everyone else. I don't know where they were, but they did all get candy from the prize counter.
I was glad that Daniel stayed busy with the balls, and the kids shared their suckers with Daniel when it was time to leave. But it was cute to watch him.
Yeah, D! You got them all!
He started to really concentrate and stick out his tongue.
We love Daniel, he's a cute little boy.
It was fun to be there together.
Fat Cats with the Get Out pass gets two thumbs up.

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