Thursday, September 19, 2019

Daniel is 3!

Happy Birthday to Daniel!!
I didn't do an early morning birthday run to the store, cause 3 year olds don't care, yay. I did give everyone some popsicles before school. We had birthday cake after everyone was home from school.
Daniel was cute blowing out the candles. I think the favorite gift was these pajamas from my mom.
And with those awesome pj's, there is a good chance that I just got Halloween taken care of too!! Sweet. Sophi went and borrowed a Jessie outfit from a neighbor so she could play with them.
Lily made up a Bo Peep outfit, but then Natalie was sad cause there wasn't any other girl thing for her to be (she didn't want to be Gabby Gabby) so her fussing over that kinda ruined the game, but they had fun for a little while outside. Owen and Daniel were up early this morning and played nicely most all the day with the new toys. I gave Daniel his present, and I didn't wrap it. It was just in the Walmart plastic bag. And that's ok, cause 3 year olds don't care!! It was two sets of Little People versions of the Toy Story 4 characters. It was simple, and he got some more gifts from Corey's parents, and he is happy, and with that we are done for a few months. Yessss.

In other news, this afternoon Owen and Daniel were throwing around a C and T thing that was supposed to be on a high shelf in my room. I saw what they had, then looked up at the high shelf/window, and the photo collage thing was gone! It had been knocked on the floor along with the glass temple that was on our wedding cake! I hadn't heard anything crash... when did that happen!?!? Did a bird fly into the window again? (Wow, that was 5 years ago!) Maybe Owen and Daniel had been throwing the toys around and hit it up there? My jewelry box fell down and a little glass unicorn necklace thing in there from my childhood broke into 4 pieces, but Lily helped me find the pieces and I was able to fix it. Miraculously, the glass temple fell in the garbage on top of all of Peter's soft dirty diapers (not a lot of #2, but a lot of diapers cause he's been sick this week with the runs) so the only thing that broke on that was the little angel, which I was able to glue back on. That was a little miracle that it didn't shatter into a hundred pieces.
The glass on the collage was no so lucky.
So getting that reframed is now on the to-do list sometime this next month before it gets dusty. And that was today. Peter is doing a little better. No fever today, but still fussy and still mostly wants to be held. He slept this evening and I was able to clean the kitchen, yay. Hopefully he'll feel a little more better tomorrow.

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