Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sick Day

Peter has been sick the past 48 hours. Yesterday during the early morning he woke up at 4:30 feeling very hot. I gave him a bath, we had a stay at home day, and in the evening I texted our pediatrician (and neighbor) who is so nice and came by for a house call. He said Peter has a slight ear infection, so he called in a prescription for Amoxicillin for him. Like an hour after that, some sick bug kicked in for me. Usually I don't get sick when the kids are sick, but last night something hit me that made me feel like it looked like Peter felt.
I just wanted to lay down and not move. I had a headache and felt nauseous, so we took another bath and then headed to bed. I was grateful that I felt better this morning, so I took carpool, but then Peter and I have just taken it easy most of the day.
He's also been super snuggly, which I've enjoyed cause that's new. He's been so busy trying to crawl for the past two months that it's funny/slightly irritating. When I hold him, he seriously puts his feet on my hips or into my stomach and pushes his legs straight and locks them. Like he's standing up on me horizontally. He's just been a busy mover. I took a little video of him nursing this past week, and he was wiggling around so much, he was seriously twisting and was on his head and standing and trying to touch his toes and he held on to me with his mouth.
He was doing baby yoga as he nursed. So yeah, that doesn't make nursing fun, so I've gotten what I wanted for a little bit to finally have my snuggly baby back, sorry Peter that you had to be sick to make that happen though! I haven't gotten a lot done housework wise, and there's not much to report. Other than today the last caterpillar j-hooked and tried to change into his chrysalis... 
This little guy was just doing awesome and eating up a storm, and he was our biggest one. He j-hooked last night and I checked on him throughout the day to see how the transformation was going, and in the afternoon I saw he was emerging, but then it looked like he needed help - like he was stuck like one of our fatalities last year (second half of that post). I thought I had caught him at the beginning of the process though, so maybe I could help him? I ran in to get tweezers, hoping that maybe I could pull the skin off and help it split so he could keep going, but it didn't work. He must have been trying to emerge for a while cause the wet green part of him was dried and stuck to the black part, so as soon as I tried to pull the black skin off, it tore a hole in him and he started to drip to death. Or... I maybe didn't grab the black skin part and accidentally pulled the green and/or poked a hole in him? So either way, I failed.
But his wing areas were trying to poke up and over the black skin, he was really stuck, it was sad. But what can you do.... He has now gone the way of all the earth. Thus is the life of a caterpillar farmer. 

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