Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Family Traditions: Lighting Of the Y

Tonight we went to Hike the Y with our eldest daughter and current BYU Courgar, the lovely Melodie! We left home at 5:20, picked up Mel around 6:15, and were on the trailhead shortly after that. Plenty of time! Other years we've been running late.
Mel said the lighting would occur at 7:45.
We took a quick break at almost every switchback to help Natalie, who was struggling to keep the pace. Actually she was doing great, but she was also doing more than her fair share of complaining, which is totally normal for a 6 year old.
But if there was anyone who should have been complaining, it was ME!
Cause this little 10 month old would not let anyone else hold him so I had to carry him the whole hike up! Come on Peter, don't you want Abi to hold you? Mel? Anyone?
There was a nice guy who hiked up with us and he offered to carry Peter too, but nope, Peter just layed his head on my shoulder, so that means me. It was a fun hike and a beautiful sunset to watch.
When we reached the top, they have benches, and a nice young gentleman jumped up and let me have his bench as I held Peter, who was now asleep. On the Y in the dark -
Peter sleeping.
Flashlights on the Y
We sat there for a little bit enjoying the view. Lily and Mel took off to go find Cosmo.
Then Lily wanted us to come with her to go see Cosmo with her before the lights came on. So we did. As we stood up, a young man said "Is that the Wrides?" And it was one of Joseph's friends and our friends Benji and Suzzette's son Sam! Who just got back at the end of August from his mission for the Savior to Russia!! I thought that was so fun to run into him! I took a picture so I can show Joseph when we talk to him tomorrow.
Sam is Captain America. The other guy when to Skyline too, but I can't remember his name, last name is Barney though I think. And that made me think Hey, next year we will hike this again, but with JOSEPH!!! How fun is that!! Ok, so off to see Cosmo - group pic with America's most athletic mascot! (Natalie was sad cause she thought there were donuts at the Y)
My favorite video of Cosmo below!

(and my other favorite video!)

Then we hiked back down. Mel took Peter for a little bit since he was asleep, but then he woke up and wanted me again. I took it nice and slow and hoped to not slip on the loose rocks. We made it to the bottom and then butted in line to get donuts.
Then to Mel's apartment to use the bathroom and feed Peter, and drop off some goods for her. Bye Mel!!
In 2012 I hiked the Y with Mel, Eth, Hy, and Wes, and I said then that I was going to try and make it an annual tradition. I only kept up with that tradition the following year, 2013, with Joseph and Ethan. But now that we're going to have students attending there for probably the next 2 decades, we might be able to do it, and have it be a family affair. So come join us! We'll see you and Joseph next year on the Y!

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