Monday, November 11, 2019

A Few Monday Moments

Wesley's back really hurt this morning, so he stayed home from school. He  has been complaining for a while that his back hurts. I've put off a doctor visit because my diagnosis was that he just pulled a muscle and that he should exercise to strengthen it and stretch. But to show that I'm not just cheap or neglectful to his needs, I called the doctor to see if we could go in today. We took him in today. Aaaand the doctor said it's a pulled muscle, and he should exercise and stretch. Point for Dr. Mom! We've met our annual premium so I didn't mind taking him in, but Wes, next time you complain, I'll remember this and will give you my foam roller. I felt glad to have diagnosed him properly. He is to stretch and exercise. So we'll see what he does. I think he won't do it but atleast he'll stop complaining to me about it since the ball is in his court now.  It was good to get the little boys out of the house though, and to have Wes to help me. They liked playing with the toys.
(I love Peter's little feet! And how he stands up on his toes! Sooo cute.)
When we got back home, Owen went down for a nap. I took a blanket with us to the doctor that was intended for Peter, but it looked like Owen's old blanket and when Owen saw it at the doctors office, he took it. I guess he's okay with it now! Back at home, Owen went and found Louie and put himself down for a nap. I'm glad Louie got some attention.
Owen had gotten up early, so it was good for him to get a nap.
I didn't want him to sleep for too long, and that was easy to take care of since we had piano. He's always excited to go "To teacher's house" (violin teacher). He woke up without a problem. At Miss Amy's, he played at the train table for a bit, and Natalie read to him too. Cute moment. Natalie is a good little reader.
After lessons were over, we went by Corey's parent's house to pick up Hyrum who had to stay after school. Corey's sister lives across the street from their parents, and she came over with their dog Luna. Luna likes Hyrum, and that was fun to see!
Hyrum, you've come a long way since our dog Chloe!

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