Monday, November 18, 2019

Plastic Surgery Appointment

When Abi was born, she had a little bump over her right eyebrow. This past summer we asked the pediatrician about it. He recommended us to a dermatologist. We went there on Halloween to see her, and she said it is a dermoid cyct. If it wasn't bothering Abi, there is probably no harm in just waiting and watching it as she grows. If we did want it removed, she recommended we go to Primary Children's Hospital and she gave us the name of two doctors there. We thought about it for a while. I thought she should do it, cause it does seem to have grown with her, and even if it's not bothering her now, I think it will later in her life, so let's take care of it now since we've met our deductible. So she took my advice and we scheduled an appointment. Today we went up to see the doctor. I picked Abi up at school. We went to the hospital with our three little friends in tow (OwenDanielPeter). At the front desk, I asked where the Plastic Surgery Office was and Abi about freaked out.... "PLASTIC SURGERY!!!?!?!? I'm getting Plastic Surgery!?!?!? I don't want to look like them!!!!" Abi! You're not getting any major nose job or chin lift done. This will not alter your looks hardly at all. You're getting a cyst removed, they won't touch your face. I thought her reaction was funny

As we were in the room waiting for the doctor, they decided to play hide and seek as we passed the time. There were only two places to hid. Under the exam table -
...and under the sink
It was so funny to hear Daniel giggle in anticipation...
Found you!!
And then they'd trade spots and Abi would count again.
Dr. Barbu Gociman came in and it was a quick visit. It can be removed, she'll basically be trading her bump for a scar. And that was that. They'll call us later this week to set up her surgery. I got the kids french fries on the way home, we dropped Abi off at school, and then it was a normal day of violin and chores. I bought pizza and sushi on the way home from violin since I wasn't home making dinner, in my attempt to step it up and not just have my kids be on their own, as often happens. And I was gonna feel like a failure if Corey made dinner, cause that would kinda mean that they don't count on me. And he did have dinner ready. I was kinda sad and felt like a failure. I shouldn't let Corey helping make me feel bad about myself, but it makes me feel like a bad homemaker. I made myself feel better by cleaning the kitchen vent for the first time ever since moving in here, It was nasty with drippings of dust and oil hanging from it, I had never tried to get the vents out or clean them before, so that was a pleasant surprise that it could be done. We still need to figure out how to get the kids to help out more and consistently. Our life is a bit frazzles and chaotic and I don't think it's just cause of so many kids - I think it's more because we don't have a plan in place and so no one knows what to expect and when. We're kinda winging it and holding on for dear life most of the time. 20+ years of marriage in our belts and we're still trying to figure it out.

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