Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving Skiing in Park City

Yesterday while Mel, Lily, and I prepared for our Thanksgiving feast, Corey and the kids spent the morning skiing in Park City. He did that last year and it was the best part of the holiday for him, so they did it again. Here are pictures of their fun this year ~
They went up Wednesday night and slept over at the Marriott Mountainside with Corey's family.
They went up again last night around 7 pm after the meal was over and visiting winded down. They spent time in the pool last night, but yesterday morning they were up early (for a non-school day) getting some breakfast so they could go hit the slopes.
Wednesday night was hot tubbing and swimming too, and video games for the boys. The plan today was for them to ski until about 2 and then head back home, and that we'd eat at 3.
Everyone with their gear on and ready to go
They were a little bit late coming home today, but it worked out perfectly.
They had a great day on the mountain and it all worked out pretty much according to plan!
I love Owen in this picture! Little kids skiing is just about one of the cutest things to see. They had a lot of fun. It's nice to be able to come right off the slopes and into a warm room.
Skiing wasn't part of my childhood, but I'm glad that it was part of Corey's and that he's passing it on to our children.
He said Sophi's a natural
A few more pictures...
The big boys ready to tear it up.
Natalie found a snow chair.
Owen has got the hang of it!
Proud smile!
I love this one of Owen too - a perfect picture of winter...
So they slept up there again last night and they came back this morning around 11, which was perfect timing before a storm hit today.
They had snow in Park City but it was pretty bare here until this afternoon, and then we got hit hard and have been shovelling all afternoon. So I am glad they made it back safe.
And glad that the kids had a great time, and glad that they are ready to start having fun in the snow, December is almost here, so it's good they are all ready for winter fun.

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