Saturday, November 30, 2019

Tree Is Up

Abi was ready for it, so yesterday the kids put up the tree.
I told her they could get it out after they cleaned up the front room, so she cleaned it up. Then they brought up the trees. Then she brought up ALL the boxes of decorations and....then they messed it up. And it will remain a mess until Christmas. Cause the little kids take off all the ornaments. Good thing the ornaments are plastic. It makes them break less-rapidly. The kids are happy wearing Santa hats
"Are you guys getting ready for Christmas?!?!" They've been in the Christmas spirit, playing outside in the snow, sledding, and drinking hot cocoa.
They went sledding with Iveth's kids yesterday.
We haven't had them over for a long time, so that was fun.
Everyone's clothes were soaked when they got back, so they played while I threw things in the dryer. And they all played dress up.
Asis the rapper, and Sophi the model
A few more pics - potty training Daniel isn't going great. He's not interested in conquering #2. I think he's too comfortable in pull ups, so we're trying the underwear approach. We'll see how it goes.
And a picture of my snuggly Peter from last night. I love this baby boy.

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