Thursday, January 30, 2020

A Real Salon Hair Cut

Ethan went and got his haircut tonight. He's only had one done at a salon like once in 2015 when I was away in Brazil and he was here staying with his grandparents in Utah with Joseph. So, at the salon tonight, he didn't know what to do. Like when she went away to go wash his hair, he didn't follow her. Then she turned around and looked at him as he was still sitting there like "Why aren't you coming?" and she motioned for him, and E was like "oh!" And same thing at the shampoo sink, he didn't know what to do so he saw upright on the chair, and she told him to lay back. Funny. "So, where do you usually get your hair cut?" "My mom does it." "Why didn't she do it today?" And Ethan didn't want to explain everything about his thinking... which was: "Well, this was a spur of the moment thing cause I'm getting some senior pictures taken by my sax teacher and so this morning he texted me that I should bring my suit for a few 'mission pictures' too, but last night I was told my hair was a too long for my mission paper submission, so I didn't get want to risk it not looking "missionary" enough but I wasn't able to get it cut before I came down here to Orem, but I decided I should do it now etc etc...." ....So instead his answer was "She picks her nose" and implied I do so while I'm cutting his hair, and that I let boogers get in his hair and the stylist was speechless at how wrong that was of me to do to him. When he told us all of that tonight, I was like "My goodness....YEARS of cutting hair service that I've given to you from the love of my heart (and the frugalness of my wallet).... trimming your hair your whole LIFE, and just like that, for no reason at all other than to save yourself from having to make small talk, you threw me under the bus..." He said he knows it was wrong and apologized to me. Apology accepted. His haircut looks great though! I'm excited to see the pictures he got taken! I wanted a quick pic of his face. I told him to give me a smolder. He was like "OH NO!!! I DIDN'T DO A SMOLDER PHOTO!!!" Such a shame. This one will have to do.
Ok, we got it for posterity. Enjoy that hair while you got it. In a few months... the MTC clippers are coming for it! 
Two other exciting things from today - My blog books arrived! That was super quick! I just ordered those last week on Jan 21st! So I have my anniversary gift to Corey ready, and with that, the 2010's are done. All of my blog books are gray binding so far, but I think I'll change it for the next decade of the 2020s. 
And Daniel is ready for school. He was wearing a backpack around the house today and saying it was time to go to school.
And Owen would hear that and say "Noooo! I can't go to school!" And I am worried if Owen is going to be ready by fall. Part of me wants to let Owen stay home, but these two like to battle and get on my nerves, so it might be better to begin to separate them. Owen will be 5 years old in July, so he'll be a young kindergartener, like Hyrum was.... and he's kinda nervous about new things sometimes, like Hyrum was... and it makes me worried it will be like Hyrum was in elementary school. Maybe Daniel could pretend he is Owen? Or I'll just have to trust and hope that Hyrum was a unique case and things will be fine with Owen. Hyrum's turned out fine, there's nothing to worry about. But Daniel seems super ready, like Abi was. And Daniel is a darn September birthday, like Abi was. (That stupid September cut off) Maybe I'll sign Daniel up for preschool or make sure he has playdates set up? Hopefully Owen will be ready and my current concerns will prove to be all for naught, and Daniel will be content to hang out at home with his homebody mom. We'll play school, I'll do it buddy! I'll get crayons and we'll color and learn ABCs and stuff, it will be good.

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