Saturday, February 1, 2020

Bowling and a Earbookyerb Daerb

Another senior year... another yearbook ad. The website said it was due today, and I did not know that, but phew and yay, I guess I'm glad we finished it! For Joseph's and Melodie's ads, I did not let them know that I was paying attention to the school announcements or that I was even aware of this ad opportunity. I did it on my own with some input from Corey. This one was not done like that. For this one I had Ethan's input. And the title of this post is a hint... letting you know something. If that was not obvious enough, I'll spell it out for ya - Yes, there was some Ferb Latin involved. I was laughing, it turned out pretty funny. I'd say it perfectly sums up Ethan. Corey gave me his input, but I let Ethan have the final word. Corey suggested we say about our Ethan:

"Fearless, funny, and talented at nearly everything you try! Having you in our lives has been one of the greatest blessings we have. As much as we have loved having you home, we are even more excited of the adventure ahead. And we look forward to hearing more hilarious stories. We love you!"

And I liked that well enough. But while we were waiting for Corey's reply, I had jokingly entered this text: "Ewerb reaerbe oserb roudperb foerb ouyerb!" Haha, that is "We are so proud of you" in Ferb Latin. I also added "Love Mom and Dad" and Ethan added his siblings initials. Then when we read Corey's message suggestion. I guess it was too normal and boring for Ethan, so he decided he wanted funny. I jokingly added "We're sorry we were idiots about curfew and our attendance policy..." since those are two things we've had little scuttles with Ethan about this weekend. (He and Hyrum were an hour late last night, aka 12:30) (...and Ethan is bugged that "all his friends' parents" excuse their kids from school when they're late or sleep in or sluff, but we won't excuse his?!?!) Anyway, so I was trying to let him feel like yeah, your parents are lame about that (but we're still not going to excuse you from jazz band or wind ensemble when you blow it off). And Ethan liked feeling justified by my kind-of acknowledgement, and then Ethan added one more line: "You deserve a better CPA than what you got." And with that, we had most of our entry done. Here's the final product.
Ethan also almost put "Congrats on the 243!" (his highest bowling score that he got last month) but then he wondered "But what if I get higher than 243 by the time yearbooks come out!" "Then put 'congrats on the 300' instead!" I suggested. But he didn't know if he could deliver on that number yet, so we deleted that. So the only bowling reference was this pic -
He also took this one, but it wouldn't upload to Jostens cause it was a png file and they couldn't accept that.
Ethan there is showing his form learned after many videos studying proper holds and after following lots of bowlers on Istagram and stuff like that. Ethan says you don't put your fingers in the ball! Who knew? And this last dapper pic that we used is on that Ray took on Thursday. Ethan looking good with the sax and sportin' his nice fresh haircut!
And the 3rd picture we used was my little Ethan who loved cows. Ethan liked this pic cause it has the subtle hint of a Second Coming in the background. Eth is proud to be known as being part of the Lord's Youth Battalion. 
And Ethan has started his own youtube channel. His videos so far are mostly quick and silly. Here his video where he shared his most impressive score from his bowling class:
Check back soon, as I'm sure he'll be adding lots of more great bowling content there soon! his friend Truman's good bowling. (Ethan really likes bowling.) Corey lamented recently "All our hard work and sacrifice and money put toward inspiring them with music, and... he likes bowling...." But it's good to find things you're passionate about. It will be exciting to see what life has in store for Ethan! Maybe he's got a career in bowling in his future, who knows.

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