Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Not On Top of It

This morning while I made oatmeal for breakfast, these two cute little boys played at my feet. Daniel was teaching Peter how to play drums on the pots and pans.
I've been pretty consistent at making oatmeal every school morning. Corey likes the steel cut oats, so we don't do the regular rolled oats anymore. As I've mentioned before, we only have 2 vehicles right now. I'm okay to be left a home without one usually, but if Corey takes the car then he runs the risk of being the one that needs to go get the kids at school, should any emergency arise. So it's best if I keep the car even though I don't need it. So I took Corey to work this morning. So after we dropped him off, I took the little boys to the store with me (because today was one of the rare occasions that I was on top of it for once and I actually knew what I wanted to make for dinner tonight!) The boys were excited about getting in the car cart!
I used to always go to Fresh Market instead of Smith's because they had car shopping carts.
But Fresh Market closed a year or so ago, so now I'm stuck with Smiths, so I usually don't take kids.
I can do Costco with the little boys, but I don't like going to Smiths. Maceys worked though - I can do Macey's with these little guys.
Hey, this could even be a standard operating procedure that I go do a quick "groceries for dinner" run after dropping Corey off at work. ...Of course, that would mean that I have to be on top of it, and right now.... I'm not...  as evidenced by the fact that I bought some vegan treats at the store....
So we had vegan ice cream for breakfast. Yeah, so I'm not performing at my peak right now. I blame this guy...
He's like literally sucking the life out of me. I've told Corey that my only complaint about Peter is that he nurses too well. And is too content to keep it up. So I'm feeling trapped a little bit and am looking forward to having my freedom back some day in the future. Once I have sovereignty over my body again, then I'll get my act together again and might be on top of it. But as for now, hooray for hardship nice cream. And violin playing. Violin is my new escape from life. I really like it. I played for a few hours today (another reason why the house is a mess...) This is what my thumb looks like after holding the violin bow for a long time. It makes me feel like I'm working hard, go me.
Ya can't be on top of everything. Taking care of kids, cleaning, family budget, dinner, violin, nursing... Right now I'm in survival mode, so we'll see how it goes, and we'll try to just keep on keeping on.

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