Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Birthday Cake and a Dance Party

Well Peter, I'm sorry we didn't feed you any cake on your birthday. We had it, but I was just waiting/hoping to have everyone at home to sing to you. But it didn't happen yesterday, and it didn't look like it would happen any other day of this week, so I figured since someone's always gonna be gone, we might as well just do it. So we sang to him after Abi and the girls got home from school
Happy birthday to you - happy birthday to you! (give me that cake candle!)
Happy birthday dear Peterrrrr (No you can't touch it...)
Happy birthday to you!
Make a wish!
He was cute putting his feet on the table... Studying the smoke from the blown out candle...
We love this little guy. One year done and gone - and once again, I marvel at how fast that went.  
Peter is a joy to have around. Except for when he wakes up grumpy. And Owen doesn't like it much when Peter bites him. Owen and Peter were in the car with me as we picked up the fiesta (which got fixed after Hyrum's snow curb accident) and took it out to the boys at Skyline (so that I don't have to spend hours of my day to take them to the Soundhouse). Owen was playing with Peter and put his finger in Peter's mouth.... which didn't end up well. 
Peter bit his finger. Owen was quite shocked, he didn't realize how dangerous and painful that would be.
He tried to be so brave and he endured the pain. You're a good boy Owen. Peter! Don't bite your brother again!
You probably shouldn't stand on the table either. Looking at his book that my mom brought over for his birthday. 
The kids threw an impromptu concert tonight - 
Daniel! I like that twist and shout!
Owen's finger is healed and he played some sick tunes on the piano for us to night, yeah!
They all make a good sounding band (not really, but we can pretend).

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