Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Peter's First Birthday

Hi! I'm Owen! And today is my little brother Peter's Birthday!! Say "happy birthday to me!" Peter! Here, I'll help you!
"'Happy birthday to me....'" (Peter bats away his hand... "Owen, don't touch me...")
Good job Peter. I showed Peter how to open presents...
We didn't have any cake or ice cream today for Peter's birthday, but my mom said we'll have a treat for Peter's birthday another day this week. Oh, and mom and dad didn't get Peter any presents either, but that's ok. They give us food, shelter, and love, and that's all we really need. Plus I'll let Peter have my hand me down toys, so he'll have plenty to play with. My Mom would just him used toys at Kid to Kid anyway, so it works.
So, yeah, I'm Owen, and I thought I'd also that that this is what I had for breakfast this morning.
Yeah, that's a cup of brown sugar that I dished out for myself. My mom makes oatmeal, but I like to sneak away with the bag of brown sugar and just eat that. She gets out the sugar for my dad, and then I wait until dad opens it and get sugar for his oatmeal, and then I swipe it when he's gone and I'm free to go eat it under the table. I don't eat it under there cause I'm trying to hide what I'm doing from my mother or anything like that, I just like it under there. One other thing that my mom wanted to share was this picture she took of her letting a kid help put the gas in the car.
It's probably not the first time she's ever done it, but she rarely invites any of us to help her, so she just wanted this put here as proof that she did let Lily help once. Maybe someday she'll let me help. Ok, I guess that's it for now, bye!

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