Thursday, January 16, 2020

Grumpy Faces

Hi. Here is what Peter looked like this morning....
This is also what he looks like most every morning....
...and practically every time he wakes up from a nap.
I don't know if he has bad dreams, or if he wishes he could keep sleeping or what his deal is? I tell him he's free to go back to bed, but he just throws a little fit and curses me for a few minutes. He continues being mad as I change his diaper and he kicks my hands away from him. Oh, that little pouty lip, Peter! You're just a little sad guy. And with his tired puffy little eyes, it looked like a total newborn face when they are just delivered and wondering what happened to them and what all the bright ligths are for.
Mommy's monster... that's an appropriate shirt you're wearing Peter. He wasn't the only grumpy face. His older brother gets grumpy and pouty too - Those are pretty good sad eyes you have there Daniel.
He wants his bottle. He still drinks from a bottle. We're kinda trying to move on from it, and Daniel does know how to use a cup, but I keep the bottles around for Peter, but if Daniel sees one he claims it and cries for it and I usually give in to his pleas. They're not grumpy that much, but when they are, I'm glad that I usually find it cute and funny.

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